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What Is Normal Weight for 5 7 Male

Father measuring his daughter against the wall

At some point in elementary school, girls often grow taller than their male peers.

Image Credit: andresr/E+/GettyImages

People come in all shapes and sizes, which is part of what makes everyone unique. When it comes to a person's height and weight, genetics and biological sex play a big role. But they aren't the only factors involved.

Access to nutritious food is another important influence behind a person's height, per the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Similarly, lifestyle habits, where a person lives and works and other factors may affect weight, too, per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Whether you're a concerned parent or just want to know where you stand with your own weight, comparing your values to the national average is a helpful place to start.

Children's Height and Weight

Pediatricians use height and weight charts to measure a child's development and to track growth and weight gain throughout childhood. This provides medical professionals with a clear sense of your child's development, and can help reveal whether there are any health conditions to consider.


If you're concerned with your child's height or weight according to their age, consult your pediatrician or another qualified medical professional.

Interested in learning whether your child's height is normal for their age? Consider these average values.

Average Height and Weight for Girls

For the most part, girls grow at the same rate as boys until the latter portion of their elementary education. At this point, they often grow more quickly than their male peers. The following are the average girls' heights by age, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

2 to 8 Years

A 2-year-old girl has an average height of 34 inches and a weight of 27 pounds. By age 4, the average height is 40 inches and the average weight is 34 pounds. At age 6, the average height grows to 45 inches and the average weight is 46 pounds. Finally, an 8-year-old girl has an average height of 50 inches and an average weight of 58 pounds.

10 to 14 Years

At 10 years old, the average girl is about 54 inches tall and weighs 72 pounds. By age 12, the average height rises to 59 inches with an average weight of 95 pounds. Fourteen-year-old girls are an average of 63 inches tall and 109 pounds.

16+ Years

After age 14, girls' height begins to level off. The average height of a 16-year-old girl is 64 inches tall, while the weight is 119 pounds. From age 18 on, the height tapers off at between 64 and 65 inches while the weight increases to about 130 pounds.

Average Height and Weight for Boys

The average height of young boys is relatively similar to that of young girls. While girls tend to shoot up during elementary school, boys quickly catch up during their late teens. Here, average boys' heights by age, according to the CDC.

2 to 8 Years

Two-year-old boys are on average 34 inches tall, weighing 28 pounds. At age 4, they grow to about 40 inches tall and weigh 36 pounds. By age 6, boys are usually an average of 45 inches tall, weighing 46 pounds. Eight-year-old boys have an average height of 50 inches and weigh 56 pounds.

10 to 14 Years

At 10 years old, boys are 55 inches tall and weigh 68 pounds, on average. By age 12, those figures raise to 58.5 inches and 90 pounds. At age 14, boys are on average 64 inches tall and weigh 112 pounds.

16+ Years

From age 16 and beyond, boys continue to grow more rapidly than girls. A 16-year-old boy is on average 68 inches tall and weighs 134 pounds. From ages 18 to 20, boys are on average between 69 and 70 inches tall and weigh between 148 and 155 pounds.

Adult's Average Body Weight and Height

By the time you're an adult, your bones have stopped growing, which means your height has stabilized — height values remain fairly consistent across age groups. But your body weight isn't necessarily static. Healthy average body weight is measured by a height-to-weight ratio.

Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

Here are details on the average body weight for men and women, per the CDC.

Average Height and Weight for Men

Hoping to see that magic number

Men tend to see an increase in weight from ages 40 to 59.

Image Credit: PeopleImages/E+/GettyImages

Just as women do, men tend to experience an increase in weight in middle age, which then drops off after the age of 60.

20 to 39 years

Between the age of 20 and 39, the average man weighs about 89 kilograms or 196 pounds. Typically, men's height is about 69.3 inches or 5'8".

40 to 59 years

Men typically reach their heaviest weight during this age range, weighing about 91 kilograms or 200 pounds. At this age, men are usually about 69.2 inches tall or 5'8".

60+ years

After age 60, weight begins to decrease more significantly. At this point, the average man weighs about 88 kilograms or 194 pounds. Here, men are about 68.3 inches tall or 5'7".

Average Height and Weight for Women

Women are often shorter and weigh less than men. Average weight change isn't drastic, but it does increase up to middle age and then decrease toward old age.

20 to 39 years

Between the ages of 20 to 39, women's weight on average is about 76 kilograms or 167.5 pounds. At this age, women are usually about 64 inches tall or 5'3".

40 to 59 years

A woman's weight is at its peak between ages 55 and 60, with the average woman weighing about 80 kilograms or 176 pounds. Usually during this age range, women measure about 63.8 inches or 5'3".

60+ years

The average woman's weight starts to decrease after age 60. After this age, the average weight tends to drop to about 75.5 kilograms or 166 pounds. These women are usually about 62.7 inches tall or 5'2".

What Is Normal Weight for 5 7 Male
